Welcome To Ten & 10 Indian Restaurant (King of Biryani)
Exotic Indian delicacies!

Located in Noble Park ,Ten & 10 Indian restaurant aims to maintain the high expectations of world renowned Indian food by offering authentic flavors of India. Our experienced chefs from regional places of India present the most perfect curry that takes you back to the Golden Era of India! We have dishes on our menu that range from South India to North India.
All our meats are Halal certified. We are BYO as well. Have a lokk ar our wide range of exotic menu and visit us for an experience like never before.

The King of Biryani!
The best of Indian cuisine in Noble Park!

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
- Mahatma Gandhi
They say that small acts of kindness when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.
Back in India running our dream charity foundation, our philosophy is to be present for those that aren't as fortunate as you and I. We want to reach out to as many deprived people as possible and help make their lives a little better.
Not all of us are equipped enough to make a major difference but we can all surely contribute in any tiny way that we can and before we even realise the combined efforts add up to bring about massive quantities of positive change.
Ten and 10 is a vision and idea that was conceived by Shilpa Prajapati (our Head Chef) and Jay (our Front Manager).
Shilpa's inherent passion for all things gastronomy has proven to be a huge blessing in this attempt of bringing regional Indian food to the lovely local community of Noble Park. Her knowledge and interest in food translates into every dish that goes out of our kitchen onto the tables.
Jay, on the other hand is fully equipped in the people skills department. From welcoming the guests to keeping them entertained and giving them his genuine, undivided attention; it's right up his alley!
Shilpa's passion and Jay's jovial nature makes them the perfect team. To get a true experience of their hospitality you can visit them today at 270 Railway Parade, Noble Park VIC.